Cuba Reading Passage and Extension Activities | Pasaporte Cultural



Use this Pasaporte Cultural Reader for Cuba to give your students more insight about Mexico as country.

Students will learn more about:

  • general information about the country like location, languages spoken, capital, currency, seasons, and more
  • traditional and/or popular foods
  • celebrations and/or holidays
  • popular/famous people from the country
  • popular places
  • leisure activities
  • interesting facts
  • symbols of the country

Giving students the exposure to cultural aspects isn’t always easily taught with grammar and vocabulary. This 2 page reader is written in simple Spanish and has 4 different versions for teachers to differentiate based on the level of students.

Versions Included:

1. Spanish section titles and Spanish text

2. Spanish section titles and Spanish text with glossary for challenging/new vocabulary

3. Spanish section titles and English text

4. English section titles and English text

The download includes versions for beginners and a complete Spanish version for more advanced learners.

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