Valentine’s Day Acrostic Poem for Spanish Class

February 10, 2023

Looking for an activity to get students using their creavity. This Spanish Valentine’s Day Acrostic Poem is very low prep and will be a great addition to your lesson plans for Valentine’s Day in Spanish class. This resource will be the perfect Valentine’s Day activity for Spanish class.

Spanish Valentine's Day activity for Spanish class

 Spanish Valentine's Day Acrostic Poem

This activity has two parts. Students will create an acrostic poem and write a short phrase(s) about why they are writing the poem.

Part 1: Acrostic Poem

A great idea is to brainstorm adjectives as a class for each letter to assist students in creating their acrostic poems. There is also a list of possible adjectives for lower level students and sentence starters for upper level students.

Adjective vocabulary

If students haven’t been exposed to tons of related vocabulary for Valentine’s Day you there are a few ways to make sure they have what they need.

  • Pre-teach – Take a look at all the vocabulary you’d like students to use and and pre-teach it with a quick story, a PQA or personalized question and response activity!
  • Independent Research – Have students brainstorm in pairs by searching for Spanish adjectives by letter.
    • Review – There are many cognates adjectives of description that would be great for this activity. Students can use Quizlet lists or vocabulary lists they have.

Part 2: Valentine’s Day Note

This is a great opportunity to review high frequency verb structures like eres and me gusta.

The sentence starter is Te escribo este poema porque… (I’m writing you this poem because…). Brainstorm the reasons why people are special to them.

For example: Te escribo este poema porque…eres mi mejor amigo(a)/eres la mejor mamá del mundo/me gusta pasar tiempo contigo/me gusta ser tu novio(a).

Spanish Valentine's Day activity for Spanish class

 Spanish Valentine's Day Acrostic Poem

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Valentine's Day Activities for Spanish Class - Spanish Valentine's Day Acrostic Poem

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