4 Reason to Incorporate a Cognate Unit

August 17, 2021
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Are you about incorporating a Cognate unit into your language curriculum? I love love love working with cognates in Spanish class. Finding and recognizing cognates is soooo important for new language learners and that is why it is my first unit in Spanish 1. It is also one of my favorite units! I’ve created many activities over the years to add to this unit and engage my Spanish 1 students. Here are the 4 major benefits that I’ve noticed by incorporating this unit with students.

1. Build Confidence

Learning a language can be scary. I’ve had students come in the first day with the question, “Is this going to be hard?” or with the attitude “I can’t speak Spanish.” I’m sure you’ve heard those questions and comments at some point too.

By starting the year with a Cognate Unit, you can show students how much they already understand and their ability to understand a new language.

Being able to match images with vocabulary, understand the spoken language, and read in Spanish with the use of cognates is a huge confidence builder for students. When students realize how much they can already understand throughout your unit, they will for sure buy into the language learning experience. Those initial fears and worries will surely fade away.

2. Develop Comprehension

Cognates help students understand messages being communicated. However, it can also show students that you do not need to understand every word explicitly to understand the message. Cognates are helpful for students but I love that students can develop comprehension by using them.

I’ve watched shows and had conversations with native speakers and not understood every single wood. I understood the message because there were enough other words I knew to support comprehension of what was being communicated.

The idea is to provide students with activities that give them very comprehensible input using cognates. Students can read, listen, write, and speak from Day 1 in your class. Should we expect full sentences and monologues? No, but communication is definitely achievable.

These Spanish Cognates Digital Learning Stations activities were a great addition to the cognates unit to test the different modes of communication. They’re also available in French.

3. Promote Cognate Awareness

Starting the class off with cognates and teaching students what they are and how to look for them makes a world of difference. Your students are equipped with the skills to look for and recognize cognates during language studies. Awareness of the Spanish cognates is a valuable tool for language learners.

4. Fun

Use of cognates and words that are easier to understand allow students to relax more and have more fun with the activities. I’ve seen that they are less worried about making mistakes and more engaged in the activities. Cognates are also a great way to get students motivated and excited about learning a language. Your students will love games and activities like Rondas, SEIS, Task Cards and Self-Checking Task Cards, Boom Cards, Mystery Pixel Activities, Digital Puzzles and more!

If you’re looking for more resources for Spanish cognates resources for a Spanish cognates unit, you should try this some of these amazing activities for Spanish cognates!

Do you have a Cognate Unit? I’d love to hear more about how you use cognates in your classroom with students? Leave a comment below. 😁

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Jade Greene


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