Fast Finisher Activities for Spanish Class

January 25, 2024
fast finisher activities for spanish class

Everyone has had that students or group of students that always finish an assignment ahead of the time set aside for the activity in a lesson. Some could just zoom through the entire lesson if it were laid out in front of them. Some students will even look at you with that adorable “What now?” face and in your head you’re thinking, “Seriously? You’re already done?” That’s why I love to have dedicated fast finisher activities for Spanish class for those quick students.

This is no new issue for teachers. Having fast finishers students could be a great thing or…..the complete opposite. It all depends on what that student or students do when they complete an assignment.

I want to share some things that have helped ease disruptions in my classroom when there are fast finishers. I give my students options of what they’d like to do (within reason and class related) as they wait ever so patiently.


This is one of my favorite options for fast finisher activities. It is comparable to Scrabble because students must create words with a certain amount of letters. It’s different because they don’t have to create words that connect to other players words. It is a completely individual activity. Students create words in Spanish that only connect to their words. It is a game that can be purchased on Amazon and that is the extent of the preparation. Low prep activities are always important.

**Be sure to buy Bananagrams En Español for the extra letters.


Another goodie for fast finisher activities is color by number activities. Not just the numbers that match colors activities. Students will need to answer questions related to vocabulary or a reading passage in order to find the colors necessary for the color by number activity. This gives teachers a way to give students a little break while keeping them using the target language. Check out some color by number activities here!


Free Voluntary Reading time is another low prep activity for students that finish quickly. Students are able to choose books that they like or continue a book they are currently reading during classroom FVR time. Reading in Spanish will help develop students vocabulary and is great for students that need to be challenged. They can learn and grow at their own pace.


Quizlet, oh Quizlet! This tool has a variety of activity and game functions to help students during their language learning journey. This option is ideal for schools that have access to technology 1:1 or access to computers or tablets in the classroom.


These cards are great for students to practice vocabulary recognition. Students can make their own cards by drawing images on a small sheet of paper and writing the word that matches on another small sheet of paper. This option would be very low prep teachers. After they have made cards, they set them up like old school matching game. Cards face time. Flip one over and try to find the match.


This activity is wonderful for students that love to draw and doodle in class. When they finish as assignment early, they can section a sheet of paper into eight boxes  and draw pictures to match the current vocabulary being work on in class.



Another individual activity for fast finishers is the Spanish version of I Spy. This activity works well for my students and is tailored to vocabulary sets normally used in text books. For example, there are Yo Espío activities for body parts, clothes, food, etc. There are even activities for holidays like St. Patrick’s Day.


Last, but not least! Puzzles are great for students that need to be challenged a bit more. While getting practice with vocabulary or grammar they are also working on critical thinking skills. Oh, and did I mention that this activity is also low prep.

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