10 CI-Friendly Activities for World Language Classes

September 3, 2024

Creating an engaging and effective World Language classroom hinges on the use of Comprehensible Input (CI). CI-friendly activities not only enhance language acquisition but also make learning fun and interactive for students. Here are ten CI-friendly activities perfect for World Language classes:

1. Picture Talk

Picture Talk involves displaying an image and discussing it with students in the target language. This activity encourages vocabulary acquisition, sentence structure understanding, and cultural insights. Choose images that are relevant to the students’ interests and current lesson themes.

2. Movie Talk/Clip Chat

Similar to Picture Talk, Movie Talk uses short video clips to immerse students in the target language. Play the clip and pause at intervals to discuss what’s happening. This method helps with listening skills, vocabulary, and comprehension.

3. Storytelling with TPRS

Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling (TPRS) is a powerful method that uses stories to teach language. Create simple, repetitive stories that incorporate new vocabulary and grammar structures. Engage students by having them contribute to the story, making it a collaborative experience.

4. Matamoscas (Flyswatter Game)

Matamoscas is a dynamic game that involves students swatting vocabulary words with a flyswatter. Write words on the board and call out definitions or descriptions in the target language. This fast-paced game is excellent for reinforcing vocabulary and comprehension. Read more about Matamoscas here and grab a fun freebie!

5. Personalized Questions and Answers (PQA)

PQA involves asking students personalized questions in the target language. These questions should be simple and relevant to their lives. This activity promotes speaking practice and helps students connect language learning with their personal experiences.

6. Write and Discuss

After watching a short video or reading a story, engage the class in a discussion about it. Write down key points from the discussion on the board, reinforcing new vocabulary and sentence structures. This activity combines listening, speaking, and writing skills.

7. One Word Images (OWI)

One Word Images (OWI) is an engaging activity where students collaboratively create a character or scene based on a single word prompt given by the teacher. Here’s how it works:

  1. Choose a Prompt: Select a single word, such as an animal, object, or person, that will serve as the foundation for the image.
  2. Draw and Describe: As a class, draw the image on the board. Students contribute details about the character or scene, such as its appearance, background, and characteristics, all in the target language.
  3. Build the Story: Use the created image to build a story, adding more context and narrative as students provide input.

This activity helps students build vocabulary, practice descriptive language, and engage in meaningful communication while using their creativity. activity helps students build vocabulary, practice descriptive language, and engage in meaningful communication while using their creativity.

8. Human Bingo

Human Bingo is an interactive activity that encourages students to speak with each other in the target language. Create bingo cards with prompts like “Find someone who has traveled to a Spanish-speaking country” or “Find someone who likes Mexican food.” This activity builds speaking confidence and peer interaction.

9. Four Corners

Label the four corners of the room with different answers to a question (e.g., “Agree,” “Disagree,” “Strongly Agree,” “Strongly Disagree”). Ask a question in the target language, and have students move to the corner that best represents their opinion. This activity promotes listening comprehension and discussion skills.

10. Gallery Walks

In a Gallery Walk, students create posters or visual displays on a specific topic in the target language. They then walk around the classroom, viewing and discussing each other’s work. This activity encourages creativity, presentation skills, and meaningful conversation in the target language.

Incorporating CI-friendly activities in World Language classes fosters an immersive, engaging, and effective learning environment. These activities not only enhance language proficiency but also make the process enjoyable for students. By integrating these ten activities into your lesson plans, you can create a dynamic and interactive classroom that supports language acquisition through comprehensible input.

Keywords: CI friendly activities, World Language classes, Comprehensible Input, language acquisition, Picture Talk, Movie Talk, TPRS, Matamoscas, PQA, Write and Discuss, OWI, Human Bingo, Four Corners, Gallery Walks.

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10 CI-Friendly Activities for World Language Classes

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