My Comprehensible Input Journey: Embracing Flexibility and Growth as a Spanish Teacher

October 14, 2024 No Comments
My Comprehensible Input Journey: Embracing Flexibility and Growth as a Spanish Teacher

It’s been a few years since I made the leap into teaching for comprehension using Comprehensible Input (CI). Reflecting on this journey, I realize how much has changed and how much I’ve learned.

Life Update: I’ve stepped away from the full-time classroom to spend more time with my sweet baby boy, though I continue to teach at the college level occasionally. Even though I’m not in the classroom full-time, my commitment to teaching for comprehension and growing as a Spanish teacher remains strong.

This journey with CI has been transformative. I’ve learned a great deal about myself as a teacher. One key lesson is that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to teaching. Teachers and students have unique personalities and preferences, and what works for one might not work for another. It’s easy to get caught up in what we see on social media and try to fit into someone else’s mold, but I’ve realized that I need to find what works best for my own classroom and my students.

The beauty of teaching for comprehension is its flexibility. Lessons can vary from day to day and week to week, allowing for a diverse and engaging learning experience. I incorporate a wide range of activities to make learning Spanish enjoyable for both myself and my students. Some of these activities include:

While I’ve moved away from traditional language teaching methods to focus on comprehension, this doesn’t mean I ignore explicit grammar instruction when needed. I tailor my approach to meet my students’ needs and help them understand the language effectively.

If you’re considering a shift to CI, remember that you can progress at your own pace. Choose the activities and practices that best suit your classroom environment.

My goal is to help my students communicate effectively in the target language and to cultivate a love for Spanish, much like the passion I developed when I first studied the language in high school. Ultimately, we all strive to provide our students with the ability to use the language meaningfully in their lives and communities.

My Comprehensible Input Journey: Embracing Flexibility and Growth as a Spanish Teacher

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