Ser vs Estar Activities for Spanish Class

June 26, 2023
Ser vs Estar Activities for Spanish Class
ser vs estar graphic organizer


Introducing ser and estar? This resource includes a presentation that is great for presenting the uses of ser and estar in context for students. Each example in DOCTOR and PLACE has an example and visual to help students make connections in the target language.

Graphic Organizer

I love providing students support for grammar topics when they need it. This graphic organizer is a great way to have students record key information to help them understand the uses of ser and estar. There is a digital and print version of the graphic organizer.

ser vs estar activity

Immediate practice activities? Students will sort sentences into categories, choose between the two verbs, translate, complete dialogues, and more.

The digital version is in Google Slides and provides students with a very interactive way to practice deciding between ser and estar.

ser vs estar color by number

Need a relaxing and chill activity? This is an activity that will allow students to review ser vs estar in a calm way. Students have to answer questions relating to ser and estar correctly in order to find the correct colors. Then, students are on to the relaxing coloring portion of the task.

ser vs estar task cards

Love task cards? This activity allows two students to compete against each other and complete task card questions. Google Slides is required to use this self-checking activity. There is also a PDF version of the activity that can be used in the traditional way task cards are used.

ser vs estar activity

Students need more practice with ser vs estar? Check this self-checking activity that gives students more practice deciding between ser vs estar. Google Sheets is required for this activity!

ser vs estar station activities

Perfect Friday activity? Stations are great way for students to test different skills. There are six stations that cover reading comprehension and writing.

Students will complete puzzles, complete fill in the blank, sort sentences into categories, translate, and fill in a story with the correct forms.

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Ser vs Estar Activities for Spanish Class

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